
Accommodations and modifications
Accommodations and modifications

accommodations and modifications accommodations and modifications

A modification changes or reduces the learning expectations, resulting in student work that is on a different level than other students without modifications to their learning. Modification: A modification is an alteration to the student’s learning or assessment, which changes the standards or requirements. Students that require accommodations produce the same work that students without accommodations would (The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2010, The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, 2010). An accommodation provides changes in the instruction and assessment for students, which allow them to reduce or eliminate the effects of their disability.

accommodations and modifications

Accommodation : An accommodation has been defined as a the way a student is taught or tested, without changing the standard for learning, the instructional content, performance standards, or requirements (American Foundation for the Blind, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2010, National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, 2010).

Accommodations and modifications